Christ in the Levitical Offerings

- ISBN: 1907731261, 9781907731266
- Page count: 284
- Published: 2011-03-01
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: John Ritchie Ltd
- Language:
- Author: Jim Flanigan
It is not difficult to find Christ in the Levitical Offerings for the Offerings are ancient foreshadowings of Himself, ancient indeed, for they were cast some fifteen hundred years before the Saviour came. In typical language they portray the glory of His Person, the beauty of His character and the greatness of His work. They show His people His inestimable preciousness to God both in the loveliness of His life and in the value of His sacrifice, and they describe in detail the privilege of believers of approach to God in the holy exercises of supplication and worship. They are a spiritual mine, a virtual treasury of divine revelation, perhaps especially as touching the Son of God in His suffering and death.No one who has found Christ in the Offerings has ever regretted the study of those portions of God’s Word where the Offerings are outlined. With some saints the only regret may be that the treasure was not discovered earlier in life. It is hoped that these meditations may encourage some believers to commence a study of the Offerings even now, and that those who are already in the enjoyment of them may yet discover fresh beauties of the Lord Jesus, God’s Son and our Saviour.This latest work bears the imprint of the authors thoughtful and spiritually sensitive method of communicating his understanding and appreciation of the subject before him.
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