Catechism of the Catholic Church, Spanish, 2nd edition Catecismo de la Iglesia Catslica, secunda edicion

- ISBN: 1601379196, 9781601379191
- Page count: 824
- Published: 2020-03-24
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
- Language:
- Author:
Esta segunda edicion del Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica ha sido revisada en concordancia con el texto oficial latino promulgado por el papa Juan Pablo II en 1997. Incluye la revisin del 2018 del #2267 promulgada por el papa Francisco.
The full, complete exposition of Catholic doctrine, this second edition of the international bestseller has been significantly expanded, enhancing both its content and usability. Revised in accordance with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997, the second edition now includes more than a hundred additional pages, offering such new features as a glossary of terms, an index of citations from sources and in-brief texts on core teachings.
Review Catechism of the Catholic Church, Spanish, 2nd edition Catecismo de la Iglesia Catslica, secunda edicion.