Casados y felices…despues de tantos anos – eBook

- ISBN: 9780825487262, 9780825487262
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2017-09-14
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Editorial Portavoz
- Language:
- Author: Gary Chapman
En Casados y felices…despues de tantos anos, Gary Chapman y Harold Myra ofrecen consejos sabios y una practica perspectiva para que tu matrimonio florezca en estos anos. Parejas de la vida real comparten honestamente acerca de sus alegrias y sus luchas, incluyendo a Jerry y Dianna Jenkins y a Ken y Joni Eareckson Tada, quienes hablan emotivamente de su caminar matrimonial. Este libro te inspirara y te equipara a enfrentar las aventuras que estan por venir, mano a mano con tu pareja.
In Married and Still Loving It, renowned relationship expert Gary Chapman and Harold Myra offer wise counsel and practical insight on making your marriage thrive during these years. Real couples share honestly about their joys and struggles, including Jerry and Dianna Jenkins and Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada, who talk movingly about their marital journeys. Married and Still Loving It will inspire and equip you to embrace the adventures yet ahead, hand in hand with the one you love.
Review Casados y felices…despues de tantos anos – eBook.