Breaking The Chains: of Spiritual Bondage Between Man and Gods Creatures – eBook

- ISBN: 9781449729097, 9781449729097
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012-02-28
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: WestBow Press
- Language:
- Author: Rebecca Normandin
In Breaking the Chains of Spiritual Bondage between Man and God’s Creatures, all your burning questions will finally be answered. You will be shocked and amazed as you go through the Word of God Scripture by Scripture to reveal once and for all just what are Sasquatch, skunk apes, yetis, the Loch Ness monster, even space aliens and where did they all come from.
With the Word of Jehovah God, you will see the doors that the Lord has been showing the author that demons use to come in and steal and kill from us, concerning our treatment and care of our animals. A demon will use a person’s lack of wisdom in the Word of God to lead them astray.
This book will help you to make the right choices for your animal’s well-being and yours. Take care of the animals that God has put into your life. You never thought that demons could use your ill-treatment of the animals in your care as a door to attack and steal from you before, but they do. Now you will be equipped with the biblical wisdom in this book to shut those doors and push those thieving devils right out of your finances and life forever.
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