Bible Promises for Newlyweds – eBook

- ISBN: 9781433683671, 9781433683671
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-05-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: B&H Books
- Language:
- Author:
Bible Promises for Newlyweds gathers inspiring quotes alongside topically arranged passages of Scripture from the HCSB translation, offering timeless guidance and wisdom for husbands and wives in the midst of such an exciting new time.
It's an exceptional resource for men and women seeking God’s will as they shape their lives together in love, and a great gift idea at engagement parties, bridal showers, or on that unforgettable wedding day. The content is arranged by topic, providing easy access to biblical truths and heavenly direction for every life matter that couples face.
Chapters include: "Ready for Your New Role?" "Build Your Home on the Lord", "How Will You Handle Conflicts?" "Keep the Romance Alive", "Money Matters", and more.
Review Bible Promises for Newlyweds – eBook.