Bible Comes Alive, Volume 1 Your Story Hour, CD

- ISBN: 1600790232, 9781600790232
- Page count: 0
- Published:
- Format: Compact disc
- Publisher: Your Story Hour
- Language:
- Author:
These wonderful, fully dramatized recordings bring the Bible to life by realistically portraying your favorite Old and New Testament stories. Designed for use by families of all Christian faiths, these recordings are non-doctrinal and inter-faith in nature. Complete with sound effects and music. Enacted by a professional cast. Exciting, educational, and entertaining. 24 stories including: Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel; The Man who Believed What God Said Part 1 & 2; The Temple Tower; The Call of Abraham; The Three Strangers; Sodom; The Supreme Test; A Strange Romance; The Unlike Twins; The Cheating Twin-Cheated; The Mystery of the Disappearing Idols; The Case of the Wrestling Twin; The Coat of Many Colors; Mrs. Potiphar and the Dungeon; The King's Butler and the King's Baker; The King and the Slave; The Unreasonable Prime Minister; The Governor's Mysterious Feast; The Long Delayed Reunion; A Deliverer Is Born; Moses Fulfills His Destiny; The King with the Heart of Stone; Miracles by the Sea. 12 CDs.
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