Batalla de Cada Hombre (Every Man's Battle)
- ISBN: 0789907496, 9780789907493
- Page count: 247
- Published: 2003-08-28
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Editorial Unilit
- Language:
- Author:
This book gives very practical, step-by-step advice on coming out of the jungle of sexual temptation. Although this is written from the standpoint of married men, singles can also benefit (even though they lack that wife to bear the focus of their full sexual attention). There are the sections of the book written from the women's point of view. It's very enlightening to see how men and women are "wired" differently, and how disgusted females actually get at the uncontrolled male sex drive Is maintaining sexual purity in both mind and actions impossible for the male of the species? This book says no, and it has the solutions. I would say this book is essential for every Christian man.
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