Arms Open Wide: A Call to Linger in the Savior's Presence – eBook

- ISBN: 9780718011444, 9780718011444
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-05-13
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson
- Language:
- Author: Sherri Gragg
Come near. Stop striving. The Master of the banquet has raised His glass to welcome you as His dear child.
So often Christians view Christ as someone who’s far away and can’t be approached until they have their lives in order. In Arms Open Wide, author Sherri Gragg proves that Christ is a kinder, more tender, more loving Savior than many understand Him to be.
Sherri writes in fictional narrative form while mixing biblical history with scripture, creating a setting that transforms readers back in time and places them right in Jesus’ presence. For thirty-four days readers walk with the Savior to witness miraculous healings and events, and give fresh insight into His power by thinking and feeling with people whose lives became instantly transformed by His love and grace. Readers journey with Jesus and His disciples in the most important time in history.
Hearts will be stirred and lives will be changed as readers draw near and walk with the Savior as never before.
Features & Benefits:
Helps readers experience the kindness and grace of JesusInstills a deep, lasting impression about the love and forgiveness our Savior offersWill transform readers as they engage in a first-person experience of what it might have been like to walk with Jesus when He was on the earthBrings to life biblical traditions and customs while helping readers experience Jesus’ life and the miracles He performed
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