American History-Student: Observations & Assessments from Early Settlement to Today – eBook
- ISBN: 9781614581369, 9781614581369
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2012
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Master Books
- Language:
- Author:
From homeschooling parent James Stobaugh, American History: Observations and Assessments from Early Cultures to Today provides a comprehensive overview of "new world" history. This student textbook covers all aspects of Euro-American history, from Columbus' landing through the political debates that shape the landscape today.
Thirty-four chapters each include five daily lessons which take approximately 20-30 minutes each. A short reading is followed by critical thinking questions; an exam is given on the last day of the week. Background information, Bloom's Taxonomy-based questions, concepts, biographical sketches, historical debate updates, worldview notes, and history overview components work together to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of historiographical material from a Christian perspective.
Lessons are one-page and easy-to-read with black-and-white photographs integrated throughout; critical thinking assignments are given in the bottom corner. This student book contains only the lesson summaries and assignments; tests and other information is in the sold-separately American History Teacher's Guide. 400 pages with timeline, softcover. High School.
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