Against The Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves – eBook

- ISBN: 9780989535588, 9780989535588
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2002
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: King's High Way
- Language:
- Author: Nancy Missler
Faith is the opposite of seeing, feeling, understanding and knowing, but choosing to believe, trust and relying upon God in every circumstance. It's being convinced that no matter how we feel emotionally , God will be faithful to His Word and perform His promises in His timing and purpose. This book gives you the practical steps and application to getting beyond your emotions so you can make faith choices to unconditionally trust God to do His will in your life. Making a choices and decisions based on faith may not be what we feel like doing, but it's the key to our victory and living by the Spirit. This popular book will help navigate your heart, thoughts and emotions within your life and relationships and lead you to love and be loved as God desires.
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