A Wonderful Surprise: An Easter Bible Verse to Remember

- ISBN: 9781645074977, 9781645074977
- Page count: 24
- Published: 2025
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: New Growth Press
- Language:
- Author: Sally Michael & Sengsavane Chounramany
A Wonderful Surprise by Sally Michael and illustrator, Sengsavane Chounramany, A Wonderful Surprise helps preschoolers learn that Jesus is the King of everyone and everything and helps them memorize Luke 19:38:"Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!"
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds shouted, "Hosanna!" and "Blessed is the King!" Just a few days after they had yelled, "Hosanna!" the people shouted, "Crucify him!" On the third day after Jesus died, everyone received a big surprise-Jesus was alive!
In A Wonderful Surprise, Sally Michael helps parents to instruct the mind and engage the heart of their children as they learn Scripture. Each page shows pictures and asks questions to engage preschoolers in understanding the verse. Repetition of the verse throughout the book helps children memorize the Bible verse after just a few readings. Also included are pointers for helping children memorize and suggestions for activities that will reinforce "Living by the Word." Paperback, 24 pages. Recommended for ages 3 to 5.
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