A Shadow of Good Things to Come: The Testimony of Christ Through the Old and New Testaments Book 1 of a two-part series – eBook

- ISBN: 9781490851280, 9781490851280
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014-10-20
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: WestBow Press
- Language:
- Author: Louise Fugate
An excellent book for anyone who is seeking to know more about the living God.
The first book in a two-part series, A Shadow of Good Things to Come, is a colorful book of Jewish history , dating from the time of creation with the Ancient of Days to king David. You will learn that God had a plan to save mankind, and He implemented that plan through the Jewish nation. Told in Bible-story form, you will find answers to many questions you may have about the Bible and man’s relationship with God, questions such as:
• Who is the true living God?
• What is the purpose of man?
• What promises did God give Abraham and his descendants through Isaac?
• Why and how did God choose the nation of Israel to be His people?
• Why and how did God set up the law and sacrificial system?
• Why is Jesus called the Son of David?
“Deeper Insight” study questions are provided at the end of each chapter.
“I always wondered why a loving God would bring so much death and annihilation to people in the Old Testament. Now I understand. Sin was rampant, and evil men threatened the very existence of the future seed of Abraham, through whom Christ, the Savior of mankind, would come. This is a wonderful Bible-based, simply-stated study that all Christians will enjoy.”
Frances Henderson
“This is a good book for Christians who want to learn, in detail, about the twelve Tribes of Israel and their lineage leading to the birth of Christ. I was amazed to scripturally learn about the division of the land God gave to the Israelites. If you ever had doubts about Jesus, you won’t anymore.”
Trudy Meriedth
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