6 Ways for Men to Thrive in Midlife

- ISBN: 1628624485, 9781628624489
- Page count: 112
- Published: 2017-10-29
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Aspire Press
- Language:
- Author:
No one said midlife HAS to be a crisis. Find out how to make the choices that will help you find fulfillment with Stephen Arterburn's 6 Ways for Men to Thrive in Midlife. Using practical steps, rock-solid Bible principles, and time-tested counseling advice, learn to take advantage of the benefits the next season of life has for you.
Midlife doesn't have to be a crisis of identity or a failure in self-confidence. Midlife can be a season of discovering how your past years and present situation are the very stuff that an exciting future is made of. Get proven strategies and guidance from God’s Word that will set you up to thrive. Find out how to:
Rediscover your purpose and the important roles you play.
Spot and respond to common warning signs of a midlife crisis.
Respond to changes in career, marriage, appearances, sex, and more.
This book is packed with charts, simple summaries, and checklists that make it easy to find information fast 112 pages. 4.5 x 6.5" paperback.
"Is this really what I wanted?" "I should have it all figured out by now." It's normal to look over your life and reflect on your past. But, these thoughts can easily spiral out of control, causing anxiety, depression, and shifting behavior. Gain the right perspective for the second half of life with this easy-to-understand book. Enjoy having 6 practical insights, straight from the Word of God, that will revitalize your outlook, propelling you into a richly fulfilling season of life in 6 Ways to Handle Midlife Crisis. Start making the right choices to make the most of your journey today!
See 7 Warning Signs of a Midlife Crisis
How do I know if I'm going through a midlife crisis? Learn to seek help for you or your husband before the signs and symptoms of a midlife crisis become more than just warnings. A full list of signs of a midlife criss can be found in this helpful guide. In addition to providing warnings signs of a midlife crisis, this quick-references self help book also lists helpful steps to solutions to get yourself out of trouble as quickly as possible.
Feeling depressed
Being restless
Feeling irritable
Being a "partier" (going out for longer periods of time, increased drinking, thrill-seeking, etc.)
Making foolish or irresponsible decisions with finances
Becoming obsessed with sex (increase of fantasizing, pornography use, etc.)
Considering an affair
3 Practical Key Features of Six Ways for Men to Thrive in Midlife
A midlife crisis is so much more than a handful of impulses that need to be satisfied or addressed. Stephen Arterburn takes you through the signs, causes, and solutions to get to the root of what causes a midlife crisis to kick in and how to overcome it for a fulfilling life and God-given destiny.
1. The 6 Roles: Roadblocks, and Ways to Thrive for Men in a Midlife Crisis
By addressing each of these 6 roles, as well as their roadblocks and advantages, Steve Arterburn will help you identify healthy behaviors and reverse destructive actions. The midlife is a common time for a man to be unsure of who he is or what purpose he serves, but with Six Ways for Men to Thrive in Midlife you'll have the keys to move forward and thrive like never before!
Here are the 6 roles as well as examples of barriers and advantages you may face:
Son—Are you a helpless guy or a helpful man?
Husband—Have you developed patience and love or a short temper?
Macho Man—Does this mean integrity or entitlement?
Provider—Are you defined by your job or by your faithfulness to those you provide for?
Father—Have you parented with humility or are you emotionally unattached?
Man of God—Do you look to Jesus and Scripture as an example or the world?
2. Easy-to-Follow Advice for Men in Midlife Crises Based on Biblical Principles
From becoming a man of integrity to learning to connect with your wife and/or children, enjoy having a list of practical advice and actionable steps to pull yourself from the mire of a midlife crisis to a thriving life! Some of the advice and activities include:
If someone criticizes you, step back to evaluate the criticism, either deal with it constructively if it is valid, or shrug it off if it's not.
Question the habits and practices you or your parents always had to decide if it is truly a right or wrong belief.
If you are thinking of leaving your current job, take these steps:
Work intentionally at the one or two things at work that really need your attention and see if the struggle at work changes as a result.
Begin thoroughly preparing your work as if you were newly hired—your company may realize you are undervalued or even underpaid.
Gain confidence in remembering that you are loved by the people you provide for.
And more!
3. Powerful Scriptures to Guide your Walk Towards Freedom and Joy in Christ
Get refreshed with Scriptures to remind you of your true identity as a son, father, man of God, and more! Whether you're concerned about finding your life's purpose and a new career or trying to regain confidence to be the father you were made to be, Stephen Arterburn includes encouraging Scriptures to remind you that God has equipped you to fulfill his good will.
Six Ways for Men to Thrive in Midlife Explains the 6 Core Identities of the Midlife
Get refreshingly simple and straightforward look at what makes a midlife crisis by getting to the root of the issue: identity. As a man, you play multiple roles in your life, but did you know that shifts in your roles and identity are often what trigger a midlife crisis? How you see yourself influences your choices, feelings, and behavior—in both healthy and harmful ways. Stephen Arterburn lays out the 6 key ways you can learn to thrive in the midlife and questions to help you evaluate each:
1. Role as a Macho Man
From a man's will to achieve to his need to be respected, the "macho man" role has roadblocks and advantages. Enjoy having:
An evaluation checklist of what you think it means to be a man—and learn to recognize and break false beliefs!
4 traps of the macho man role as 4 ways to thrive as a macho man.
How to see true masculinity in integrity.
And more!
2. Role as a Son
The first role you probably remember is that of being a son. Most men wrestle through the years to define what makes them more of a man than a boy. Stephen Arterburn helps you identify:
4 Things That Thwart Thriving (immature thinking, emotional dependence, etc.)
4 Tips that Inspire Thriving (recall the joys of boyhood, express affection for your family, remember early lessons learned, etc.)
And more!
3. Role as a Husband
You may be a husband, a widower, or a divorcee (if you have never been married, you may marry one day and you should be ready for that reality)—no matter what phase of life you are in, you likely have been affected by the role of husband.
6 realities you should be ready to experience as a husband
3 barriers to a thriving life as a husband
4 tips to thrive as a husband
And more!
4. Role as a Provider
"What do you do for work?" This question is sometimes welcome and sometimes is scares guys because it can get tangled up with your identity. Learn how to separate your own worth from your work with these helpful tips:
2 barriers that thwart thriving (i.e. staying involved in workplace drama, etc.)
3 ways to thrive as a provider (understanding team work, taking time to reflect on your successes, etc.)
And more!
5. Role as a Father
Here again, not all of you will experience fatherhood. That is not the point. What’s significant is that, for those of you who are fathers, the utmost responsibility of raising kids sits on your shoulders. If someone calls you dad, you possess a calling of the highest order. Gain insight with:
3 practical ways you can be vulnerable with your children
7 ways to practice godly humility as a father
Recognizing your own parents and showing appreciation
And more!
6. Role as a Man of God
"Man of God" seems pretty straightforward, but what components make up a man after God's own heart? Stephen Arterburn breaks down the 4 main principles a man can choose to follow to thrive as a growing Christian, including applicable Bible verses and short explanations:
A man who lets Scripture inform his life and how to live.
A man who pursues righteousness and fights the good fight of faith.
A man who won’t compromise and won’t take credit that belongs to God.
A man who willingly sets aside his own will for the benefit of others.
About the New Life Series
The New Life Series by Stephen Arterburn is a practical collection of counseling titles covering everything from spiritual to relational topics. From midlife crises to spiritual legalism, Arterburn guides readers through the doorway of biblical truth to find freedom and Christ-like transformation.
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