50 Life Lessons for Grads: Surprising Advice from Recent Graduates – eBook
- ISBN: 9781683971887, 9781683971887
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2018-11-01
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Worthy Inspired
- Language:
- Author: Janet McHenry
Who better than a recent graduate to help you navigate your life ahead? With encouragement and advice, fifty young women and men share what they learned the hard way so you can better prepare for the same challenges. From "Money Isn't Everything" to "Real Friendships Take Effort," these short, but insightful essays address the real struggles, opportunities, and fears that you might face as you start out on your own. Additionally, five or more practical tips related to each lesson will encourage and equip you on your chosen path.
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