102 Differences Between Cats and Dogs For Kids: Cartoons for Character Development

- ISBN: , 9780986206634
- Page count: 0
- Published:
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: UnveilinGLORY, Inc.
- Language:
- Author: Elise Sjogren
What's the difference between Cats and Dogs?
Dogs say: "You pet, feed, shelter, and love me-You must be God.
Cats Say: "You pet, feed, shelter, and love me-I must be God.
102 Differences Between Cats and Dogs uses these two caricatures to help train children to live a life that glorifies God. 102 practical, everyday examples will be extremely relatable to children; they include examples of how each responds when asked to watch a younger sibling, when they make a mistake playing a game, when they want someone else's toy, when asked to eat a meal they don't like, when they want to get mom's attention, why they ask Jesus into their hearts, and more. The contrasting cartoons help children see the difference between a God-centered and a people-centered Christianity and help transform the way children see their place in the world. 103 pages, softcover.
Part of the Unveiling Glory Elementary Curriculum series (Grades 2-5).
Review 102 Differences Between Cats and Dogs For Kids: Cartoons for Character Development.