La Meta es el amor (Relationship Goals)

- ISBN: 1644733102, 9781644733103
- Page count: 224
- Published: 2021-03-23
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Origen
- Language:
- Author:
¿Buscas un amor duradero? ¡Todd te insta a que seas real sobre tus objetivos! Basándose en su popular sermón serie sobre citas, matrimonio y sexo, examina con franqueza las trampas más comunes, desempaqueta verdades explosivas de La Palabra de Dios, y te equipa con las herramientas para construir intimidad, relaciones significativas y prósperas.
Are you looking for lasting love? Todd urges you to get real about your objectives! Drawing from his popular sermon series on dating, marriage, and sex, he candidly examines the most common pitfalls, unpacks explosive truths from God's Word, and equips you with the tools to build intimate, meaningful, and thriving relationships.
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