Crew: Finding Community When Your Dreams Crash – eBook

- ISBN: 9780898277081, 9780898277081
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Wesleyan Publishing House
- Language:
- Author: Christin Taylor
Most young adults at some point experience a personal shipwreck missing out on the job you wanted, the unexpected end of a relationship, a crisis of faith that threatens to rip apart the fabric of your identity. What helps navigate a personal shipwreck is to have a crew of reliable people who walk with you through it.
In Crew: Finding Community When Your Dreams Crash, Christin Taylor explores how young adults can both find good company during a time of personal shipwreck and be good company for others who might be experiencing their own shipwreck. In the process, you will learn the hope and security that comes from being part of a community.
Based on sound scriptural principles and the latest research on young adult spiritual formation, Taylor gives young adults the knowledge and perspective you need to build a community that will help you make your way toward a sense of hope and new meaning.
Review Crew: Finding Community When Your Dreams Crash – eBook.