Sexual Intimacy in Marriage, 4th Edition
William Cutrer- ISBN: 0825445213, 9780825445217
- Page count: 384
- Published: 2020-03-17
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Kregel Publications
- Language:
- Author: William Cutrer
Every couple has those questions they don't know how or whom to ask! Sexual Intimacy in Marriage discusses the basics, like the definition of marriage, and the not-so-basic topics, such as achieving sexual pleasure and biblically "OK" sexual activity. It addresses real people in the real world without compromising God's wonderful purpose and design for his gift of sex.
This highly acclaimed, medically and biblically accurate book extensively covers sex in marriage with a sensitivity and frankness that every couple will appreciate. Now in its fourth edition, this best-selling biblically based book for nearly-weds, newly-weds, and truly-weds is the gold standard for Christian intimacy guides.
William Cutrer, M.D., (1951–2013) was a recognized expert in reproductive technology and medical ethics. A licensed obstetrician/gynecologist who specialized in the treatment of infertility for more than fifteen years, he also held a graduate degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and was an ordained minister. At the time of his death he was a professor at The Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Cutrer was the author of a number of pastoral resources including When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden (coauthored with Sandra Glahn), and the coauthor of three medical suspense novels.
Sandra Glahn, Th.M., PhD, is a professor in Media Arts/Worship and pastoral ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary. Glahn is a journalist and the author or coauthor of twenty books.
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