My King and My God Student Manual
- ISBN: 1595570160, 9781595570161
- Page count: 0
- Published:
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Positive Action for Christ
- Language:
- Author:
Do your teens know that the Creator of the universe delights to reveal His glory? Do they understand that God desires a personal relationship with them? The purpose of this study is to teach these awesome truths about our majestic God by surveying God's nature and existence. This Student Manual includes…
15 lessons for teens who want to learn more about their God through advanced Bible studyFill-in-the-blank outlines that correspond with the teacher's lessonScripture memory program
NOTE: The Student Manual is not designed for self-study. Notes can be taken and blanks filled in as a teacher leads you through the study. In the back of the book is a Scripture memory plan that complements the study.
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