Vector: Which way does one turn in a world going the wrong way? – eBook

- ISBN: 9781449788827, 9781449788827
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-03-29
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: WestBow Press
- Language:
- Author: W.D. Nicholas
Where are you going when you croak?
Where will you spend eternity? Just how sure are you of your answer to that question? What do you place your faith in? How reliable is your source of spiritual information, or even your comprehension of that information?
Let me take you on a journey, a search for truth. Let's discover a VECTOR which can be trusted in all circumstances. When it comes to your eternal destiny you need to be sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
There are many who believe that they are on the right pathway yet will find out when it is too late that they have been misguided. Some of these people are my friends. They are honest, generous, caring, loving yet they lack the one essential understanding, without which they are in great jeopardy.
Come with us as we search for that essential ingredient of life. It is the sure understanding of what I call, the saving knowledge.
Review Vector: Which way does one turn in a world going the wrong way? – eBook.