Forget Not All His Benefits: A Collection Of Personal Testimonies – eBook

- ISBN: 9781490803319, 9781490803319
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-08-23
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: WestBow Press
- Language:
- Author: Nirmala Nathan
For more than sixteen years, Ive witnessed firsthand the unwavering faith of Nirmala Nathan. Nirmala is a loving wife and mother of three children and a woman passionate for God. In her book, Forget Not All His Benefits, she shares a collection of true accounts and stories that will surely inspire your heart and soul. This book will challenge your trust level in God, dare you to reach a new level. Read, enjoy and be blessed by each page!
Bob Johnston, lead pastor, Global Kingdom Ministries
The author as a teacher has vividly portrayed her real-life journey with a spiritually insightful thinking that clarifies the challenges she had faced in a dramatic style. It is essential reading for anyone counseling, parenting, or teaching an adolescent or an adult to help them overcome stubborn emotional barriers and facilitate altering their paradigms for the sake of practical and spiritual life change.
Rev. Sundar Savarimuhu, Tamil Christian Church, PAOC, Toronto
Readers will be refreshed by this straightforward, simple, direct, and honest presentation of real-life incidents from the authors own life. Mrs. Nirmala Nathans testimonies in this book feel like a continuation of the book of Acts and a clear witness to Gods moving among His children even today.
David Duraisami, president, Christian Fellowship of India and Sri Lanka
Nirmala does a ministry of encouragement and comfort. Her Christian walk of faith witness inspires and uplifts others. She has touched many with her practical Christian approach.
Vathsala Thomas, president of Thanjavur Christians in Canada
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