Donna Sparks
DONNA SPARKS, an Assemblies of God evangelist, travels widely to speak for women's conferences and retreats. She also ministers in many churches and still finds time to maintain a vibrant and fruitful jail ministry to women. In that jail ministry she has seen the Lord bring many female prisoners to salvation and spiritual renewal. She uses every ministry opportunity to share her own testimony of God's mercy and grace in rescuing her from a destructive past. Donna boldly shares the unchanging truth of God's Holy Word with an intense desire to see the lost come to Christ. With humor, Donna seeks to engage others by sharing how God has proven Himself faithful to her. And she makes clear that God will do the same for them. Author of Beauty from Ashes, this is Donna's second book with more on the way! She has been married for twenty years to the love of her life, Bryan, and they have two beautiful daughters whom they are raising to know and experience the reality of God, the fullness of His love, and His power to lead them into ministry and blessing.