Memory Rescue: Supercharge Your Brain, Reverse Memory Loss, and Remember What Matters Most, Softcover
Daniel G. Amen MD- ISBN: 1496425618, 9781496425614
- Page count: 352
- Published: 2018-10-09
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Tyndale House
- Language:
- Author: Daniel G. Amen MD
Keeping your brain healthy isn’t just a medical issue; it’s a God-given capacity and an essential building block for physical, emotional, and spiritual health. In Memory Rescue bestselling author and brain researcher Dr. Amen, reveals how a multipronged strategy—including dietary changes, physical and mental exercises, and spiritual practices—can improve your brain health, enhance your memory, and reduce the likelihood that you’ll develop Alzheimer’s and other memory loss–related conditions.
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