The One Year Holy Land Moments Devotional – eBook

- ISBN: 9781414388533, 9781414388533
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-08-16
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
- Language:
- Author: Yechiel Eckstein
This year, learn to see Scripture in a whole new way as you embark on a deeper understanding of its history—and your faith’s deep roots in the land, events, people, and faith of Israel. The One Year Holy Land Moments Devotional contains 52 weeks of reflections from both a Jewish rabbi and a Christian theologian, demonstrating the timeless and universal themes in both the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and New Testament. Each day offers a fascinating glimpse into the Jewish faith, history, and perspective, while exploring the Christian interpretation of beloved biblical verses, places, people, and events. Spend a reflective moment each day contemplating the history of God’s work in the world, celebrating his word and love for you.
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