Iron Sharpens Iron: A Discussion Guide for Twenty-First-Century Seekers – eBook

- ISBN: 9781621898061, 9781621898061
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-07-26
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Wipf & Stock
- Language:
- Author:
Iron Sharpens Iron is grounded in the conviction that humans have the capacity to transcend conventional spirituality to a genuine and wholesome faith that is dynamic rather than static, future-oriented rather than past-oriented, and owned rather than passively acquired. Classroom tested, this discussion guide is an ideal way for thoughtful Christians–in individual and group settings–to interact with timely topics. Like its companion text, Beyond Belief: Science, Faith, and the Value of Unknowing (2012), this guide is written for those who affirm the value of lifelong spiritual growth. Topics covered include the authority of scripture, the uniqueness of Christ, faith and reason, religion and science, biological evolution and morality, cosmological evolution and the nature of God, and the doctrines of salvation, resurrection, and the afterlife. This guide encourages a high degree of interaction. The discussion questions are engaging and appeal to various levels of intellectual and spiritual awareness. Sessions follow a fourfold pattern: (a) "Getting Started" provides an overview of each session; (b) "Gaining Momentum" provides questions for discussion or further reflection; (c) "Going Deeper" encourages participants to acquire further perspective; and (d) "The Essentials" summarizes key points from each chapter of Beyond Belief.
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