Rite of Passage: The Making of a Godly Man
Eric Ballard- ISBN: 1625915047, 9781625915047
- Page count: 192
- Published: 2016-08-01
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Iron Stream Media
- Language:
- Author: Eric Ballard
Deep down at the core of every male whispers the question of uncertainty:
am I man enough? Rite of Passage helps young men answer that question in the
context of our contemporary culture. This study is a courageous exploration
of biblical fathers that offers participants a unique, interactive opportunity to
redefine the essence of what it means to be a man. To understand who God
says they are as men.
No ordinary study, Rite of Passage provides participants with "feats of
strength" activities geared toward physical, relational, or spiritual well-being.
Intended to strengthen the bond of brotherhood, these activities, combined
with the mental challenges of study days, help the maturing process of the
complete man. This study is designed to teach participants how to avoid
becoming trapped in areas of weakness such as: anger, uncontrolled strength,
passivity in relationships, and pride. Participants will learn how to strengthen
those areas that make them men: courage, leadership,
confidence, and knowing when not to surrender.
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