Xavier Cornejo
El Dr. Xavier Cornejo se ha destacado en el mundo editorial por más de 14 años. En ese caminar ha trabajado con varios autores, ayudándoles a encontrar y contar su historia de manera exitosa. Su habilidad para extraer las mejores historias que viven en el interior de sus escritores se ve reflejada en los libros en los que ha colaborado. En su posición editorial, lo distingue su dedicación y su interés genuino por observar la línea única que caracteriza a cada escritor, para impulsarlo a crear un libro que proyecte autenticidad y sea de beneficio y vehículo de formación para quien lo lea. Esa visión introspectiva lo ha convertido en un ícono de la sabiduría editorial con el ingenio para ayudar a las personas a contar su verdadera historia en su libro y en su vida.Dr. Xavier Cornejo has excelled in the publishing world for more than 14 years. In this journey he has worked with several authors, helping them to find and tell their story in a successful way. His ability to extract the best stories that live within his writers is reflected in the books in which he has collaborated. In his editorial position, he is distinguished by his dedication and his genuine interest in observing the unique line that characterizes each writer, in order to encourage him to create a book that projects authenticity and is a benefit and a vehicle of transformation for those who read it. That introspective vision has turned him into an icon of editorial wisdom, with the wit to help people tell their true story in their books and their life.