This Changes Everything (The Prayer Warrior Series): How God Can Transform Your Mind and Change Your Life – eBook

- ISBN: 9781441268983, 9781441268983
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-04-30
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Chosen Books
- Language:
- Author:
Make the Paradigm Shift That Will Change Your Life . . . and the World
A "paradigm shift" is a radical change in your way of thinking–and C. Peter Wagner has undergone a number of them during his decades of ministry. Now he invites you to open your mind to the Holy Spirit's paradigm-shifting power. This Changes Everything is your essential guidebook for how God is transforming the world through people just like you. Discover new movements of God's Spirit that are turning the tide against the evil one, opening wide the doors of heaven to usher in God's reign on the earth. Find out what these powerful new strategies mean for Christians' involvement in business, politics, education and entertainment, and learn how you can be a part of what God is doing in your sphere of influence. Find clear, biblical answers to questions such as:
• Is wealth a legitimate tool of the Church?
• How do today's workplace apostles lead in spiritual battle?
• Does God allow His people to make some decisions about the future?
• How is dominion theology operational in our world today?
God is calling you to a new way of life, starting with a new way of thinking. When your mind is renewed, you will never be the same!
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