The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You
- ISBN: 0800723481, 9780800723484
- Page count: 208
- Published: 2015-02-17
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Revell
- Language:
- Author:
Life is often a litany of "must-do's" – work, parenting, housekeeping, grocery shopping, laundry, and the list goes on. There just aren't enough hours in the day to do what you want – right? Wrong! Empowering you to take the time you already have to do things you love, Turner helps you balance your responsibilities, eliminate guilt, prioritize, and more.
Noteworthy: This author is one of a special group of women who writes for (in)courage, the popular online friendship community. Every day they take turns pulling up a chair to share their stories of what Jesus looks like in their every day, gloriously ordinary, and often messy lives.
If you read the (in)courage blog online, then you'll be sure to enjoy this title.
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