The Quintessential Porcine History of Philosophy and Religion
- ISBN: 1426754752, 9781426754753
- Page count: 80
- Published: 2012-12-04
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Abingdon Press
- Language:
- Author:
With delightful disrespect and hilarious updated illustrations, the author takes you through the history of Western philosophy and religion. Beginning with classic Greek pigs, the author pokes good-natured fun as you learn the essentials of these most important thinkers and schools of thought. See a little band of Methodist pigs fleeing from the wrath to come, a Calvinist pig being saved because he is predestined to be among the elect, a Barthian Pig hearing a resounding “NO” from above, a Deconstuctionist pig interpreting a text, and many others.
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