Over the Edge Xtreme Youth Devotional – eBook

- ISBN: 9781606836965, 9781606836965
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2014
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Harrison House
- Language:
- Author: Kenneth Copeland
Over the Edge The Xtremescene. It's the bigger, the higher, the faster, the more intense . . . the better! People everywhere are jumping into it more and more, they're pushing the outer limits in extreme sports, music and attitude. They're living on the edge. How About You? If you're ready for intense pursuits, forget those lame, alternative rushes everybody's trying. Go for the one real rush that has eternal value. The kind that comes from knowing God, not just knowing about Him. Truly discover Who He is and what He's got planned for you. Go Over the Edge! Think of this book as a road map to help you understand the ways of God. It's a book packed with 365 intense trips into truths about living for Him. It will guide you into discovering new adventures, pressing beyond limitations and diving head-first into God's plan for your life. Over the Edge will challenge you: Fulfill Your Destiny Take Hold of Your Freedom Live Your Life in Hope Accomplish Your Dreams Let Go of the Past And Much, Much More! If you want what's real in life, don't take someone else's word for it. Take God's. His Word will take you as far as you want to go! Get Xtreme in God today . . . go Over the Edge.
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