Fire, Water, and Wind: God's Transformational Narrative: Learning from Narrative Psychology, Neuroscience, and Storytelling about Identity Formation – eBook
- ISBN: 9781498219891, 9781498219891
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2016-05-09
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: Wipf & Stock
- Language:
- Author:
Fire, Water, and Wind explores the forming of a healthy sense of personal identity. The impetus for Fire, Water, and Wind was the observation that people are searching for meaning and identity, are dissatisfied with their current situations, and many are actively seeking escape from their current life experiences. This is evidenced by the number of people involved in high-risk activities, be it drug or alcohol abuse, gambling, prostitution, multiple sex partners, smoking, or violent crimes. But does it have to be this way? Following the finding in the fields of psychology and neuroscience that narrative plays a key role within the context of identity formation, Fire, Water, and Wind offers an understanding of identity formation that is grounded in the biblical narrative that enables and equips one to face the varied challenges of life. Concluding that a narrative understanding of ones identity and ongoing formation as a follower of Jesus incorporates an integration of heart and mind, body, and soul, that requires the nurturing of a biblical imagination and unconscious, looking at the signs, symbols, and metaphors, encouraging ones life wholly alive. Enabling one to answer the "What should I live for?" question.
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