Emerito P. Nacpil
Emerito P. Nacpil was born in Tarlac, the Philippines. He received a Bachelor of Theology from Union Theological Seminary in the Philippines and a Bachelor of Arts from Philippine Christian College. He then came to the United States to attend Drew Theological from which he received his Ph.D. Returning home, Bishop Nacpil took up responsibilities at Union Theological Seminary, first as Professor, then Academic Dean, then President. In 1974, he was named Executive Director of the Association of Theological Schools in Southeast Asia and Dean of the Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology, the positions he was holding when the Philippines Central Conference elected him to the episcopacy in November 1980. Bishop Nacpil was assigned to the Manila Area, where he administered the Mindanao Annual Conference, the Philippines Annual Conference and the Southwest Philippines Provisional Annual Conference. He retired in 2001.