Move Toward the Mess: The Ultimate Fix for a Boring Christian Life – eBook

- ISBN: 9780781414296, 9780781414296
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2016-04-01
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: David C Cook
- Language:
- Author:
Some pastors preach boring sermons. Some church music is dull. But here’s the thing: If Jesus had been boring, the disciples wouldn’t have followed him and the Pharisees wouldn’t have killed him.
So if you’re bored, don’t waste another minute. If your church service feels like a failed pep rally that never leads to the actual game, then it’s time for you to follow Jesus onto the field where the opposition is real and the stakes are extraordinary. It will get messy. It won’t always be comfortable. But you’ll make a difference. And you’ll discover that nobody’s bored out there. Nobody.
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