Critical Social Theory: Prophetic Reason, Civil Society, and Christian Imagination
Gary Simpson- ISBN: 0800629167, 9780800629168
- Page count: 178
- Published: 2001-11-07
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Augsburg Fortress
- Language:
- Author: Gary Simpson
Critical theory explained and espousedSimpson ably introduces critical social theory, the German-born intellectual movement that has spawned sharp criticisms of modernity, its use of reason, and our highly technological, bureaucratic culture. Part 1 recounts the emergence of critical social theory within the Frankfurt School of Social Research and the theological stirrings that the Frankfurt project sparked, especially in Paul Tillich. Part 2 explores Jrgen Habermas' reconception and expansion of critical social theory, especially his ideas about hermeneutics, praxis, communicative action, and civil society as the locus of prophetic social movements. Finally, in Part 3 Simpson shows how Christian theology employs critical social theory for the tasks of prophetic reason in a global civil society.
Simpson's work is at once a programmatic introduction and a creative theological proposal for public theology.
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