When God and Cancer Meet: True Stories of Hope and Healing
Lynn Eib- ISBN: 0842370153, 9780842370158
- Page count: 192
- Published: 2021-07-06
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Tyndale House
- Language:
- Author: Lynn Eib
Cancer is a very deep pit, but God’s healing touch is deeper still.
Cancer survivor Lynn Eib knows from experience that God can touch you. Right where you are, whoever you are: Newly diagnosed and in shock, praying there’s been some mistake. Facing surgery, hoping the doctor can get it all. Holding the hand of a loved one, trying to be strong. Trudging through chemotherapy and radiation, hoping they work. Undergoing tests, longing for good news.
When God & Cancer Meet is a book of powerful stories about cancer patients and their families who have been touched by God in miraculous ways.
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