Matthew Christian Harding- ISBN: 0982348428, 9780982348420
- Page count: 278
- Published: 2011-07-21
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Zoe and Sozo Publishing
- Language:
- Author: Matthew Christian Harding
In the third and final book of the Peleg Chronicles, Loresmen weaves the heroes of Hradcanny into a tapestry of danger, hope, and providence. They are pursued by their enemies in a society that increasingly departs from truth as it falls away from the one true God.
They must defend their faith before the high counselor, tread carefully at the King's table, wield their weapons bravely in the arena, and fight against giants, evil priests, and dragons. These great heroes take up the sword as guardians and protectors, yet trust not in their weapons, but in the King of Kings who is their constant help in troubles.
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