Prayer Shield, The: How To Intercede for Pastors, Christian Leaders and Others On the Spiritual Frontlines – eBook
- ISBN: 9781441268976, 9781441268976
- Page count: 0
- Published: 1994-11-10
- Format: DRM Protected ePub
- Publisher: Chosen Books
- Language:
- Author:
Right now, someone you know is in desperate need of your prayers. It's the person out on the front line, leading God's army into the world to proclaim His good news. Pastors, teachers, and all types of leaders are under severe attack from the enemy. And they're depending on the prayers of those who care to help see them through. You can help these leaders by reinforcing them through intercessory prayer.
In this book, Peter Wagner not only teaches the biblical basis for intercessory prayer, but also shares who is and who isn't an intercessor, why leaders themselves often don't pray enough, what the three types of personal intercessors are, and how you can recruit prayer partners. The Prayer Shield is a complete guide to becoming a personal intercessor. Discover how you can impart God's strength and protection in support of those advancing the Kingdom of God here on earth.
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