The Unkingdom of God: Embracing the Subversive Power of Repentance – eBook

- ISBN: 9780830895670, 9780830895670
- Page count: 0
- Published: 2013-06-20
- Format: DRM Free ePub
- Publisher: InterVarsity Press
- Language:
- Author: Mark Van Steenwyk
Christianity is carrying a lot of baggage. Two thousand years of well-intended (and sometimes not so well-intended) attempts to carry forward the good news of God with us have resulted in some murky understandings of the teachings of Jesus and the culture of God’s kingdom. To embrace Christianity, sometimes we have to repent of what we’ve made of it. In The Unkingdom of God Mark Van Steenwyk explores the various ways we have failed our mission by embracing the ways of the world and advancing our own agendas. He shows us that the starting place of authentic Christian witness is repentance, and that while Jesus' kingdom is not of this world, it remains the only hope of the world.
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