Diane E. Arnold
Diane E. Arnold es una consejera profesional licenciada, especializada en consejería familiar y matrimonial. A través de su estudio sobre el apego en las relaciones, Diane ha hablado y escrito extensamente sobre cómo superar el trauma y la traición con resultados notables. Ella forma parte de los comités de Women on the Frontline, Shiloh Company, y The Children's Hour Foundation. También ha servido en los comités de Ziklag United in Purpose Family. Diane es además una de las fundadoras de The Grace Center, un centro internacional de sanación emocional. Diane y su esposo, Neal, viven cerca de Charlotte, Carolina del Norte. Puedes obtener más información en TheFamilyCollective.com. ____________________________ Diane E. Arnold is a licensed professional counselor specializing in family and marriage counseling. Through her study of relationship attachment, Diane has spoken and written extensively on overcoming trauma and betrayal with remarkable results. She serves on Women on the Frontline, Shiloh Company, and The Children's Hour Foundation boards. She has also served on the Ziklag United in Purpose Family Committee boards. Diane is also one of the founders of The Grace Center, an international emotional healing center. Diane and her husband, Neal, live near Charlotte, NC. Find out more at TheFamilyCollective.com