Asombrados por Dios (Astonished by God)
- ISBN: 1535957166, 9781535957168
- Page count: 208
- Published: 2019-10-01
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: B&H Espanol
- Language:
- Author:
Cuando trató de capturar a una generación llena de gozo en una serie final de sermones, el pastor John Piper dio vuelta a diez verdades indiscutibles que quedarán sonando en los oídos de sus oyentes. Estas diez son verdades que sacuden el mundo, cada una asombrosa a su manera. Primero, dieron vuelta el mundo del pastor Piper. Luego, el de su iglesia. Y continuarán dando la vuelta al mundo entero a medida que el evangelio de Cristo avanza en distancia y profundidad. Estas sorprendentes doctrinas, como escribe Piper, son "tremendamente indiscutibles, explosivamente incontenibles y eléctricamente creadoras de futuro".
When it came to capturing a generation of joy in one final sermon series, he turned to ten trademark truths to leave a ringing in his peoples' ears. These ten are world-shaking truths—each astonishing in its own way. First, they turned Piper's own world upside down. Then his church's. And they will continue to turn the whole world upside down as the gospel of Christ advances in distance and depth. These surprising doctrines, as Piper writes, are "wildly untamable, explosively uncontainable, and electrically future-creating." Join a veteran author, pastor, and Christian leader as he captures the ten astonishing, compassionate, life-giving, joy-awakening, hope-sustaining truths that have held everything together for him.
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